Saturday in Michigan
Good Morning OFF Family,
Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I was barely home during the day. I went to Colleen's to watch Frankie for a couple hours, and it turned out to be most of the day. Then, I went back over to her house for an Origami Owl party. Fun, fun.
Today is cleaning day. Nothing exciting.
Prayers for all our warriors fighting health issues.
Albert Schweitzer

My Ipad is crazy! Sometime i can see the print when I type and then sometimes i cant with this new format! Its stupid!!!!!
Im talking to a director about the Mary kay oportunity! Boy has the product changed for the better! I might sign up but im waiting for a deal for former consultants!
I will bedriving home soon. Im in Plantation Florida. I was visiting my friend.
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Tri**** sounds like you had a very busy day!! A very good one too!
Carla....I used to sell Mary Kay also. In those days I was allergic to the make up and decided to quit. I didn't feel right trying to sell something I could use. I did well for the time I was in it. Good luck to you!!
As for me....I am finally getting caught up on rest. The pain is getting better too. YAY!!!!! I wish I could stay longer. I know I can't because I need to get to those appointments. It is just so peaceful and relaxing here. Not much else planned for today. I brought some laundry and my daughter is going to do it for me. I asked her to take me to Walgreens later.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!! Prayers for many of our OFF family.
Love and many hugs to all....connie d
My middle name is Anne. I didn't have a middle name till I received my Confirmation in the Catholic Church, and I chose that spelling.
Judy, I hope things get better for you.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon sistas!
I have had the craziest morning ever! Ask me if I am counting the hours until Chris gets home tonight. These boys are running me ragged. I just have to get through today and Monday, and then help will start arriving on Tuesday. Whew!
It's cold and wet here. We had a freeze last night. There went all my pretty flowers. Too bad.
I'm trying to pull together my grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner. I'll have to go to the store tomorrow, since it's the only day I'll have without the boys. By the time I put Budder and Benny in the basket, there's no room left for groceries! LOL!
So what is everyone fixing for turkey dinner? We are having a ham and some turkey. I bought a turkey breast and a package of turkey legs. All the good parts without having to deal with the big carcass afterwards. I'm also fixing cornbread dressing, black eyes peas, green bean casserole, candied yams, mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, green jello salad, and rolls. All of these are family favorites and have been requested. In addition I'm making a banana pudding, a sugar-free (well, almost) pecan pie, and some coconut/lemon cupcakes. The cupcakes are a new recipe that I just have to try! They sound luscious and delicious: coconut cupcakes filled with lemon curd filling and icing with a whipped cream frosting. Yum.
Then there will be some dips and chips and cheese and crackers and a veggie tray for snacking during the day. Since Butch doesn't fly in until 10 a.m. on Thursday morning, we've decided to push our big meal back to supper time instead of noon dinner. Chris wants us to decorate the tree on Thursday while she and Mike are both here to make it a family affair. Works for me. Chris and Mike and Carrie and Benny can decorate while I do the cooking that afternoon. Mom and Butch can watch the baby. We are not really a football family, but I'm sure there will be a game on.
Carrie and Mom will stay through Saturday, but then they'll have to leave. Chris will have to work Black Friday and Saturday, and prolly Sunday as well, even though Hobby Lobby isn't open on Sunday. Christmas is crazy in retail these days. They will sell so much stuff on Friday and Saturday, the employees will have to work on Sunday to get the store ready for the following week again.
I am boycotting Black Friday, and for sure, any store that is open on Thursday! I think that's awful to desecrate a holiday like Thanksgiving with super sales. You couldn't pay me to shop on Thanksgiving or Black Friday either.
Well, I have lots of things to get done today and prolly won't get to most of them, but I keep trying. Love you all!